
Mon – Wed: 8:30-5:00
Thu – 8:30-2:00

Maintaining Your Dentures

Maintaining Your Dentures

Getting back your ability to smile and eat with a complete set of teeth is one of the great benefits of dentures. To prevent infections, sores, or further tooth damage, it is important to maintain dentures properly. Here are some ways that dentists advise to keep your dentures in great condition.


Rinse your dentures well after meals to remove food particles and avoid stains. Brush them daily with a soft toothbrush to remove plaque and deposits. Use a mild soap or product that your dentist recommends, but avoid harsh toothpaste or strong cleaners.


Soak your dentures in water or cleaning solution when you are not wearing them, especially overnight. This helps keeps them from drying out or becoming misshapen. Do not use hot water.


If you use a cleaning solution, rinse your dentures well before putting them back in your mouth. Avoid swallowing denture cleaning solution because it can cause stomach upset.


Handle your dentures very carefully so that you don’t drop them or bend them. Clean them over a basin filled with water, so that if they fall they shouldn’t be damaged.

Visiting your dentist

Maintain regular checkups with your dentist to get both your mouth and your dentures examined. Most dentists recommend visits every six month for ideal results. See your dentist sooner if your dentures are not fitting well, are causing irritation, or have become loose.

If you need a dentist in Conyers contact us today

What Your Family Dentist Has to Say About Your Child’s Pacifier

What Your Family Dentist Has to Say About Your Child’s Pacifier

Your family dentist knows that your child’s pacifier serves an important purpose. It soothes and comforts your child during difficult or stressful events. During the time of infancy, pacifiers are common and valued. Extended use of the pacifier during the development of the teeth, however, can lead to unwanted changes to your toddler’s mouth.

Sucking too hard on a pacifier, just like sucking too long on fingers or a thumb, can have serious consequences to a child’s teeth and even to the shape of the child’s face. Your family dentist will tell you that you should take away your child’s pacifier by the age of two years, preferably by the end of the first year. Failure to stop the use of a pacifier can lead to extended orthodontic care in the future.

Your family dentist can show you research that indicates that pacifier use beyond the second year is linked with crossbites, open bites, misaligned bites, a narrowed jaw, tongue thrust and malformed palate. It is also associated with an increased risk of a middle ear infection.

If your infant is using a pacifier, follow these guidelines:

  • Clean the pacifiers regularly and properly to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Discard and replace pacifiers that exhibit any signs of discoloration or cracking.
  • Clean any new pacifiers prior to giving them to your baby.
  • Make pacifiers available only during specific times, such as at naptime or bedtime.
  • Purchase pacifiers specifically recommended by orthodontists for minimal damage to the mouth.
  • Never allow your baby to “wear” the pacifier by tying it around his or her neck. This is dangerous. Pacifier clips can allow you to clip the pacifier to your baby’s clothing with a short, safe length of material.

Your family dentist will have important tips for you when you begin to wean your child away from pacifiers. Don’t let this habit extend beyond being useful to becoming harmful.

If you need a dentist in Conyers contact us today

Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

You may be diligent about keeping up with your yearly physical with your general physician, but you may not be as careful about seeing your family dentist as often as you should. People tend to neglect dental checkups, thinking that if their teeth aren’t hurting then there’s no reason to go to the dentist. This is untrue! Regular checkups and cleanings play an important role in your health and should not be overlooked.

The most obvious reason for every member of your family to go to your dentist is the potential medical benefits. Even if you perform proper oral hygiene routines at home, you can still develop medical problems that require intervention. Plaque and decay in hard-to-reach places may create cavities that need fillings. Gum disease can start off as minor gingivitis but worsen into advanced periodontal disease without treatment, and untreated gum disease might put you at higher risk for heart disease or diabetes. A tooth’s interior section called the pulp can become infected and die, eventually risking tooth loss. So skipping your regular dental examinations can have serious medical consequences.

In addition to protecting your health, family dentists keep your smile looking its best. Professional cleanings make your teeth brighter and healthier, and you’ll also likely end up with more self-confidence. At your dental visits, if you have concerns about the appearance of your smile, you can also get information and recommendations about cosmetic dental procedures that might improve your smile even more.

Another benefit of maintaining regular dental checkups is that it can cost you less money in the long run. If you think skipping a visit is financially smart, you’ll also be missing the opportunity to catch problems early and handle them before they reach the stage of expensive oral procedures.

It’s never the best idea to avoid dental care with your family dentist. Schedule and keep your appointments every six months for ideal oral health.

If you need a dentist in Conyers contact us today

Finding the Best Dentist for Your Family

Finding the Best Dentist for Your Family

Your dentist plays an important role in your family’s healthcare. It’s more than just a teeth cleaning to keep your smile looking good; it’s a partner who helps ensure both your oral and your general health are the best they can be. That’s why it’s imperative to choose a qualified and skilled dental professional that you can stick with through the years to manage the oral health of each member of your family.

Ask friends, coworkers and neighbors for recommendations for a family dentist or conduct an online search. Once you have narrowed down your choices, schedule a consultation so that you can gather more information and get a feeling about the practice.

Consider the dentist’s credentials and experience. The dentist should have graduated from an accredited dental school and passed all exams and other requirements. Find out if the dentist has any specializations that you or a family member might be interested in, such as orthodontics or root canal therapy. If the practice offers more than one dentist in a group, make sure anyone you’ll see has the same level of experience and training. Ask about continuing education to see if the dentist keeps up with the most current techniques and trends.

Every family dentist should be willing to work with patients of all ages, but if you have family members who are very young or very old, make sure the dentist is skilled in their specific care. Inquire about options available for dental fears such as sedation dentistry.

Pay attention to all aspect of the dental office when you are there. Is the latest equipment available? Is the staff friendly and accommodating? Are you able to ask questions and get all of the information you need? Is the office location convenient? Are multiple appointments offered during one time slot? Do they offer emergency hours? Are financial policies outlined clearly?

A good family dentist takes the time to treat you and your family with care and personalized attention, as well as skill and confidence. Look for a professional who will play a trusted role as part of your healthcare team.

Our dental office is located in Conyers

Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Facing dental issues are a fact of life, no matter your age. The likelihood is almost certain that at least one member of your family will require dental treatment at some point, not to mention the need for regular checkups and cleanings. The promise of dental care being required by every family member means that it can be beneficial to have a family dentist who can take care of each one’s oral health.

Although you might choose to seek oral care from a general dentist, there are some unique advantages that family dentists offer. First and foremost, a family dentist treats every member of your family no matter their age. This type of dental practice is comfortable handling any age group, while a general practice might not be as prepared for the young and old and everyone in between.

Another benefit is that you can find a single family dental practice and not have to keep looking for a dentist for each family member. You can convey your family information one time to one office, and the staff will get to know all of you. The dentist and staff will learn about the oral health of every family member, and you can feel confident that each person is receiving the same quality care.

Once you choose a family dentist, everyone will know what office to go to and may even be able to make joint appointments. It will be easy to communicate with a single location, and you’ll grow comfortable in dealing with the same group of people for every family member. Many people appreciate having a long-term professional healthcare relationship, and feeling confident in the care and experience each member of your family will have there.

We treat patients from Conyers and the surrounding area

Why You Need a Family Dentist

Why You Need a Family Dentist

The importance of having a family dentist who can take care of every family member’s oral health needs can’t be emphasized enough. You can prevent cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss by visiting your family dentist regularly. Not only that, your overall health and your appearance will also benefit.

Better oral health:
Regular examinations by your family dentist will check for problems like tooth decay and cavities. Gum disease is another oral health issue that your dentist will look for, so that it can be detected and treated early. Dental problems are much easier to handle when they are caught early, before they can advance to more serious stages which may even mean tooth loss. Your teeth will also have a thorough professional cleaning at dental visits, getting rid of unhealthy plaque and tartar. Children can begin visiting the family dentist around the first birthday, and checkups should continue throughout life.

Improved appearance:
In additional to advantages for your oral health, your smile will look more appealing when you maintain regular family dental visits. Your teeth will be in the best condition possible when you have examinations and cleanings as recommended. If you are interested in further treatment that your family dentist doesn’t specialize in, you may be referred to a cosmetic dentist or orthodontist.

Enhanced overall health:
You may not realize it, but seeing a family dentist does more than protect your teeth. Your overall health will be improved when you care for your oral health. Gum disease has been linked to health problems like heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and pregnancy complications. So your risk for these serious health problems may be decreased with regular visits to your family dentist. Another health problem that dental checkups can catch is oral cancer. Most dentists perform routine oral cancer screenings during examinations, so that your chances for recovery are much greater with early detection and treatment.

We look forward to seeing you in our Conyers dental office