The Many Benefits of Dental Implants

The Many Benefits of Dental Implants

Missing teeth make you unhappy because it’s more difficult to eat and speak without them, as well as leaving gaps in your smile. Luckily dental implants have come to the rescue in modern dentistry. These titanium posts are surgically inserted into your jawbone, where they fuse with the bone to become a permanent part of your body. An artificial tooth is later placed on top of this stable support to complete the restoration.

If your dentist says that you have healthy gums, strong bones, and good enough overall health to undergo the procedure, then dental implants may be a great choice for restoring your smile. If you’re considering this treatment, here are some benefits you can expect to receive:

  • Natural appearance
  • Durable enough to last a lifetime
  • Very high success rate
  • Improved speech
  • Restored ability to eat naturally
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Security without concern for slipping
  • Choice of materials for the crown such as porcelain or ceramic
  • Ability to maintain good dental hygiene with normal brushing and flossing

The chances that you’ll be extremely happy with your dental implant is very good. Most patients rave about the results and their restored function and appearance. It’s easy to keep your implants for a lifetime with good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups. If you have a hole in your smile, ask your dentist if you are a good candidate to enjoy all of the benefits of dental implants.

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Are Dental Implants Safe?

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Treatment with dental implants has proven to be highly predictable, with success rates in the range of 95%. However, if you are considering the placement of dental implants, you may still want reassurance about the safety of implants and the surgical procedure.

Dental implants are utilized to replace missing or damaged teeth. The implant acts in place of the natural root and supports restorations such as crowns, bridges, or removable dentures. Once implants have been placed, the patient enjoys the benefit of an appliance that looks and feels like natural teeth. Dental implant surgery is performed with the patient under local or IV sedation. The implant takes approximately four to six months to fuse to the jawbone, at which time your permanent restorations can be put into place.

We offer Dental Implants in Conyers

In the past implants have been known to shrink the bone surrounding the implants over the course of time. However, newer implant technology has eliminated this risk almost completely. Implants also do not damage the surrounding teeth during preparation.

Titanium is the most common material for dental implants. This type of metal is known for outstanding resistance to corrosion, as well as being highly compatible with the environment within the mouth. While allergic reactions to titanium are possible, it is known to be extremely rare.

The best insurance you can give yourself regarding implant safety is to take time and care when choosing your oral surgeon. A highly skilled and experienced doctor will be better prepared about how to avoid or treat potential complications. A good oral surgeon will take great care in the planning stages of your implant surgery to avoid the possibility of implant failure.

Once your surgery is complete, it is vitally important to follow all the post-operative and aftercare recommendations your oral surgeon provides. Do not skip or postpone your follow-up visits, and maintain excellent oral hygiene to ensure you will escape any potential risks or complications and enjoy the benefits of dental implants for many years.

What is Restorative Dentistry?

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Over time, daily life can take a toll on your smile. Decay, breakage, disease, and missing teeth can negatively affect your mouth. Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing damage and renewing the integrity of your smile. With today’s advanced technology and high-quality materials, you can enjoy strong, attractive restorations. Don’t put off necessary dental work any longer.

Common restorative procedures include:

Composite fillings
To repair teeth damaged brought on by decay, your dentist will likely choose an all-white filling. Tooth-colored fillings produce solids restorations that blend in with your natural teeth and allow for less removal of healthy tooth structure.

Dental Crowns
When you have a larger area of decay than a regular filling can fix, your dentist may suggest a dental crown. Also called a cap, a dental crown covers the area above the gum line, re-establishing the strength and appearance of the injured tooth. Usually, it takes two visits to receive your custom crown. During the first appointment, your dentist will remove the decay, take impressions for the crown, and fit you with a temporary. You will return for permanent placement a few weeks later.

Dental Implants
If you have lost teeth, your oral health and self-esteem may suffer. Dental implants can replace one or more missing teeth, giving you back a complete smile. Dental implants include a metal post that functions as an artificial tooth root and a prosthetic crown that is cemented on top to complete the restoration.

Porcelain Veneers
Often considered a cosmetic choice, porcelain veneers can also cover chipped or broken teeth. Made from fine dental porcelain, veneers are permanently attached to front teeth, creating a flawless image. Your dentist will select the right veneers to fit your features, personality, and budget.

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Why More People are Turning to Dental Implants

Why More People are Turning to Dental Implants

Dental implants are the state-of-the-art restorative solution for missing teeth. They provide a stable base that is the next best thing to a natural tooth root. Because of this and other qualities, dental implants are rising in popularity each year as more and more people discover their convenience and stability.

Dental implants are replacement teeth, typically made of porcelain or a similar material, mounted on top of a titanium screw that is embedded into a patient’s jawbone. Over time, this screw will fuse directly with the bone in a process known as ossification. This fusion creates a tooth base that is so stable, it’s as good as a tooth’s natural roots.

Dental bridges can become dislodged and food may collect under the bridge, leading to discomfort and bacteria build-up. A dental implant goes all the way down, so there’s no “under” underneath to collect food and cause problems.

Most tooth restorations necessitate special ways of cleaning or flossing, and you have to be careful you’re doing all the right things to maintain your teeth properly. You care for a dental implant the same way you do for a natural tooth, by brushing and flossing, so you don’t even have to think about it when you’re cleaning your mouth.

The bones in your jaw are only healthy as long as you have healthy tooth roots in them. The tooth roots stimulate the bone, signaling it to stay full and healthy. Without the stimulation of the roots, the bone begins to shrink away. Dental implants preserve bone by acting as artificial tooth roots. The jawbone can’t tell the difference, and the bone stays strong and robust.

These factors and more are leading patients to turn to dental implants to address their missing teeth. Talk to your cosmetic dentist to see why dental  implants are the perfect choice for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Dental implants are an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to decay or damage. With implants, an artificial tooth root is placed into your jawbone to provide support for crowns and dentures. When considering implant treatment, you may have some of the following questions and concerns:

  • Who is a candidate for dental implants? Implants can be placed in almost anyone after adolescence or when bone growth has completed.
  • Is implant surgery painful? No, implant treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia in your dentist’s office.
  • How long does it take to place dental implants? Depending on the number of implants placed, the procedure can usually be completed in less than an hour.
  • What kind of recovery can I expect after a dental implant procedure? Healing from implant surgery is usually quick and uneventful. Any pain or discomfort should be minimal and easily controlled with anti-inflammatory medication. Most patients can return to normal activity the next day.
  • How long will it take before I receive my new teeth? Because the implants need time to fuse to the bone, the entire process can take up to six months. Typically, you will receive some form of temporary teeth during this period. Treatment time varies depending on your treatment needs.
  • Is caring for my implants difficult? Caring for your dental implants is the same as caring for your natural teeth. Implants simply require consistent brushing and flossing and regular dental visits for routine cleanings.
  • How long will my implants last? When cared for properly, dental implants should last for decades.
  • Are dental implants safe? When used in qualified candidates, dental implants are an exceptionally low-risk restoration option.

In general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.

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Understanding Dental Implants

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants have been in use for more than sixty years, and over that time period, they have risen in popularity among cosmetic dentists as the top-of-the-line tooth restoration for patients with missing teeth.

Dental implants have two main components: a screw-like base and a fabricated tooth-like replacement that sits on top of the screw. Typically the screw is made from titanium and is extremely durable. The screw is surgically implanted directly into the patient’s jawbone, and over time, it fuses directly into the bone. This process is known as osseointegration and it’s the reason dental implants are so successful.

This bond with the bone allows the implant to serve as a complete replacement for the roots of a missing tooth. Dental implants can be used to anchor a single tooth, a dental bridge or even serve as one of several secure implant anchors for dentures.

The bones of the jaw thrive through the stimulation of a tooth’s natural roots. Remove the roots and the bone begins to shrink. This is the reason dentures seem to shift over time. The denture is the same shape; it’s the bones that are changing. Because dental implants mimic tooth roots in the bone, the bone remains stimulated, and continues to be healthy, providing support for surrounding tooth roots and the patient’s facial bones.

Dental implants have a very high success rate. They look very much like natural teeth. They are stable and secure and are considered by many cosmetic dentists to be the best choice for replacing one or more missing teeth.

If you are missing a tooth and you want the best restoration available, talk to the cosmetic dentist in Conyers about dental implants. You might be surprised to learn about all the benefits dental implants can offer you to replace your missing tooth.

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