
Mon – Wed: 8:00-4:00
Thu: 8:00-2:00

Can Dental Veneers Straighten My Smile?

Do you have gapped or crooked teeth? Have you wondered if braces are the right choice to correct your alignment issues? Slight imperfections that haven’t bothered you as you grew up might now seem like glaring issues to you. If the thought of wearing braces or some other kind of orthodontia for years is something you’re dreading, you should talk to your dentist; dental veneers may be exactly what you need to correct your smile concerns.

Dental veneers are very thin wafers of porcelain, composite resin or some other tooth-colored material that are permanently bonded to the surface of your natural tooth. Dental veneers are incapable of correcting alignment (or “bite”) issues, but they can create an illusion of perfectly straight, white teeth. Veneers don’t require any of the metal hardware you might imagine with braces, and they take only one or two office visits to complete. Veneers are very durable and long-lasting, and with proper care can last up to twenty years before they need replacing.

If you have good general health, you are a candidate for dental veneers. Because veneers rely on the strength of the natural tooth to bond, a tooth that is decayed or infected cannot have a veneer. Dental problems such as fillings or other issues must be corrected before a veneer can be placed. Patients who possess healthy mouths with teeth that are simply crooked, gapped, discolored or chipped should look to dental veneers to correct their problems.

If you are unhappy with your smile, talk to cosmetic dentist Dr. Byreddy in Vancouver today. Dental veneers could be the perfect solution for you. There’s no reason to wait for the results of braces when dental veneers can give you the smile you want now.

Our dental office is located in Conyers